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OrthoScreening allows us to virtually monitor your orthodontic progress. Get an evaluation from the comfort and convenience of your home while saving time from visiting the office. This feature is for current patients only.

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How to start a virtual appointment with OrthoScreening

Accessing OrthoScreening

Click the ‘Get Started’ button to visit OrthoScreening. For a better experience, please use your mobile device.

Enter your personal info

Fill in your personal details and click on ‘I am a current patient.’ Choose the type of appliance you are in from the drop-down menu. Then, check the box to accept the terms and click ‘Continue.’

Create your login details

Enter your email address and create a password, then click ‘Continue.’ Do not forget your password as it will be used to access your results.

Submit photos

Follow the steps to take your photos while confirming that each photo reflects the example given. From Step 3 (close up) and onwards, use photo retractors if provided. For side views (right and left bite), gently pull on the side of your lips (or with retractors) to ensure that all teeth are visible.

Replace the photo if needed by clicking on ‘Replace Photo.’ Otherwise, click ‘Continue.’

Aligner patients only: Take all photos with your aligners off except the last step (teeth slightly apart with aligners in).

Complete the questionnaire

Answer the questions and note any concerns in the comment box. Click ‘Continue’ and your submission will be recorded.

Your smile journey
starts here

Book a free in-office or virtual consultation. GET STARTED